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Monday, January 18, 2010

Calling all Tofu!

I have been cooking recently from the delicious book, The Flexitarian Table . The recipe below was from that book.

Doesn't this dish look clean, fresh and yummy? Smelled A-MAZING. So so good.

The glaze, the veggies and the rice I made with it were perfectly flavored and cooked.
But there was one problem. I hate Tofu. I tried so hard to like this dish I made. I cut it up so it was less noticeable but it didn't help. I bet if you like Tofu you would have enjoyed this!

I'm going to work on more attempts to make a Tofu dish I love and enjoy but I need your help. Any of you Tofu eaters out there have a sure-to-please recipe you wouldn't mind sharing? I'd love to give it a go, document it and share it! And better yet, if you're up for coming over (or me visiting your home) and allowing me to capture the process, and taste when you're done, even better:)

Please leave a comment below with your Tofu recipe or link to your favorite Tofu recipe!


  1. We aren't vegans at our house, but we DO have some people allergic to eggs. Tofu has been helpful in some things as an egg replacer. Most of the time I use applesauce, but it just doesn't work with a brownie mix. Tofu to the rescue! That's the only "recipe" I use tofu for. I love adding tofu to stir fry at restaurants though.

  2. I thought I was the only vegetarian who disliked tofu!! I kept trying to like it, but no matter what, it's just not for me. No biggie!!
